Retrieve List of Available Datasets from Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) API
This function retrieves a list of available datasets from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) API. It requires a valid API key and can return results in different formats.
- ResultFormat
A character string specifying the desired format of the results. Default is "json". Other possible values may include "xml" (check BEA API documentation for all options).
- beaKey
A character string containing the BEA API key. If NULL (default), the function will attempt to retrieve the key using `getbeaKey()`.
If ResultFormat is "json", returns a tibble (data frame) containing information about available datasets. For other formats, returns the raw API response.
Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) API:
See also for BEA API registration
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Retrieve dataset list using default JSON format
datasets <- beaDatasetList()
# Retrieve dataset list using a specific API key
datasets <- beaDatasetList(beaKey = "YOUR-API-KEY-HERE")
# Retrieve dataset list in XML format
datasets_xml <- beaDatasetList(ResultFormat = "xml")
} # }