Retrieve Input-Output Data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) API
This function fetches Input-Output data from the BEA API for a specified table and year.
- TableID
A character string specifying the ID of the table to retrieve.
- Year
A character string specifying the year for which to retrieve data.
- ResultFormat
A character string specifying the format of the results. Default is "json".
- beaKey
An optional character string containing the BEA API key. If NULL, the function will attempt to retrieve the key using `getbeaKey()`.
A data frame containing the requested Input-Output data. If an error occurs, it returns a data frame with error information.
This function requires a valid BEA API key. If not provided, it attempts to retrieve one using getbeaKey(). The function will issue a warning if the API key is invalid or if the API request results in an error.
See also for BEA API registration
for retrieving a stored BEA API key