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This function returns a data frame containing all required and optional parameters for a specified dataset from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) API.


beaParamList(DatasetName = "", ..., ResultFormat = "json", beaKey = NULL)



A character string specifying the name of the dataset.


Additional arguments passed to the function (currently unused).


A character string specifying the format of the result. Currently, only "json" is supported. Defaults to "json".


A character string containing the BEA API key. If NULL (default), the function will attempt to retrieve the key using `getbeaKey()`.


A dataframe containing all required and optional parameters for the specified dataset. If an error occurs, it returns an error message.


This function interacts with the BEA API to retrieve parameter information for a specified dataset. It requires a valid BEA API key, which can be obtained from

If no API key is provided, the function attempts to retrieve one using `getbeaKey()`. Ensure you have set your API key using `setbeaKey()` before running this function without explicitly providing a key.

See also

setbeaKey for setting your BEA API key getbeaKey for retrieving your stored BEA API key


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Retrieve parameters for the Regional dataset
regional_params <- beaParamList(DatasetName = "Regional")

# Using a specific API key
params <- beaParamList(DatasetName = "NIPA", beaKey = "YOUR-API-KEY-HERE")
} # }