Filter and retrieve parameter values from BEA datasets
This function queries the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) API to retrieve a filtered set of parameter values for a specified dataset. It allows for filtering based on table name and line code.
DatasetName = "",
TargetParameter = "",
TableName = "",
LineCode = "",
ResultFormat = "json",
beaKey = NULL
- DatasetName
Character string. The name of the BEA dataset to query (e.g., "Regional").
- TargetParameter
Character string. The name of the parameter for which to retrieve values.
- TableName
Character string. Optional. Specific BEA table name to filter the results.
- LineCode
Character string. Optional. Specific line code to further filter the results.
- ResultFormat
Character string. The format of the API response. Currently only supports "json".
- beaKey
Character string. Optional. Your BEA API key. If not provided, it will be retrieved from the environment.
This function interacts with the BEA API to retrieve filtered parameter values. It requires a valid BEA API key, which can be obtained from The API key can be provided directly to the function or set in the environment using the `setbeaKey` function.
If an error occurs during the API request, the function will return a data frame with error information.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Retrieve filtered line codes for the Regional dataset, table CAGDP9
result <- beaParamValuesFiltered(
DatasetName = "Regional",
TargetParameter = "LineCode",
TableName = "CAGDP9"
# Retrieve parameter values with additional line code filter
result <- beaParamValuesFiltered(
DatasetName = "Regional",
TargetParameter = "GeoFips",
TableName = "CAGDP2",
LineCode = "1"
} # }