Get Parameter Values for BEA Dataset
Retrieves a data frame of available values for a specified parameter within a given Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) dataset.
- DatasetName
character. The name of the BEA dataset to query.
- ParameterName
character. The name of the parameter for which to retrieve values.
- ResultFormat
character. The format of the API response. Currently only "json" is supported. Default is "json".
- beaKey
character. Optional. The BEA API key. If NULL (default), it will be retrieved using `getbeaKey()`.
A data frame containing available values for the specified parameter in the given dataset. If an error occurs, it returns a data frame with error information.
This function interacts with the BEA API to fetch parameter values for a specified dataset. It requires a valid BEA API key, which can be set using the `setbeaKey()` function or provided directly as an argument.
See also
for setting the BEA API key
for retrieving the stored BEA API key
for getting a list of available parameters for a dataset
# Get table names for the Regional dataset
beaParamValues(DatasetName = "Regional", ParameterName = "TableName")
#> Error in if (nchar(beaKey) != 36) { warning(paste0("Invalid API Key: ", beaKey, " Register <> Store with `setbeaKey`")) return(paste0("Invalid API Key: ", beaKey, " Register <> Store with `setbeaKey`"))}: argument is of length zero
# Get available FIPS codes for the Regional dataset
beaParamValues(DatasetName = "Regional", ParameterName = "GeoFips")
#> Error in if (nchar(beaKey) != 36) { warning(paste0("Invalid API Key: ", beaKey, " Register <> Store with `setbeaKey`")) return(paste0("Invalid API Key: ", beaKey, " Register <> Store with `setbeaKey`"))}: argument is of length zero